Firefish Snippets Collection

A small but growing collection of AiScript plugins that have been vetted for use on Firefish instances. Submit yours for review and inclusion.

Some snippets require specific versions of Firefish to work. Please check the snippet's description for more information.
New to Firefish Plugins? Learn how to install them. Still unsure? Get the details of how they work.
MFM Snippet: Space Kittens
An screenshot of the MFM Art. Artist: @Kiko Firefish 1.0
MFM Snippet: Around the World
An screenshot of the MFM Art. Artist: @Kiko Firefish 1.0
MFM Snippet: Disco Beats
An screenshot of the MFM Art. Artist: @jovikowi Firefish 1.0
MFM Snippet: Pac Pride
An screenshot of the MFM Art.
Artist: @jovikowi Firefish 1.0
For Followers Only
A stock plugin image.
Detail: Creates a visual indicator that a note is intended for followers only.
Creator: @box464 Firefish 1.0+
List My Pages
A stock plugin image.
Detail: View a list of your Firefish Pages urls.
Creator: @box464 Firefish 1.0+
Post Template
A stock plugin image.
Detail: Paste a text / MFM template into your posts.
Creator: @box464 Firefish 1.0+
Display User Id
A stock plugin image.
Detail: From a user profile, display the Firefish User Id.
Creator: @box464 Firefish 1.0+
Your Plugin
A stock plugin image.
Created your own plugin?
Submit for review and inclusion here! Firefish

Code Copied to Clipboard

You can now do any or all of the following:

  • Copy the clipboard content to a local file for safe keeping.
  • Paste the clipboard content into the Settings > Plugins textarea on your Firefish instance.
  • Share your code in an MFM code block with others.

Error Copying to Clipboard

Oh no - something went wrong when copying the code to your clipboard. Please copy it manually.